
Behavioral Expectations - Dutch Fork Homeschool Resource Center

The following Behavioral Expectations are designed to protect all those on our campus and our facilities, which include the parking lot and outdoor areas. Our heartfelt desire is to maximize the positive educational and social experiences for all of our students and our instructors.


Be honest, truthful, respectful, courteous, patient, and Christ-like in all that you say or do. Leave any area used neat and clean.


  • Three (3) are allowed per year for Monday only courses.
  • Five (5) are allowed per year for Monday/Friday courses.
  • Other than unexpected illness and/or family emergencies, instructors are to be notified ahead of time if you know you will be absent.
  • Students are responsible to contact the instructor about missed classwork and assignments, not vice versa. Student and instructor will agree upon a reasonable date for completion.

When not in class

  • Must be calm and quiet in Study Hall.
  • May go outside in pleasant weather.
  • Remain in areas designated for use by DFHRC only.
  • Frisbees
  • Throwing balls
  • Calm inside games
  • Throwing food and drink
  • Contact sports
  • Fighting, verbally and/or physically


  • Be on time.
  • Be prepared to learn.
  • Turn in assignments on time.
  • Actively participate in classes.
  • Contribute to a positive learning environment.

Late Assignments

  • All assignments are due on the due date.
  • No assignments will be accepted after two (2) weeks from their due date.
  • Assignments turned in past the acceptable time for completion will be given a score of zero (0).
  • Instructors may extend grace in extreme circumstances.

During the week

  • Spend at least 4 days or more, if needed, completing home assignments.
  • Work ahead when possible because unexpected issues will occur.
  • Even when the unexpected occurs, the assignments still need to be turned in on time.
  • Severe illnesses and close family deaths are acceptable excuses, but the class pace will not change.
  • Buildings where DFHRC classes are held
  • Basketball court
  • Outdoor pavilion
  • Large grassy area adjacent to pavilion
  • Cemetery
  • Fenced-in children’s areas
  • Crooked Creek Park
  • Any surface reached by climbing

Offenses that may warrant a disciplinary warning

  • Plagiarism
  • Foul language
  • Immodest and/or inappropriate attire which could be a distraction from the learning environment (Basically, the dress code is if in doubt, don’t.)
  • Using electronic devices during class without instructor’s permission
  • Treating others in any disrespectful or hurtful way
  • Cheating or assisting another student with cheating either in class or on home assignments

NOTE: We totally understand that we are all sinners saved by grace and that each of us is growing in our walk with the Lord, however, DFHRC instructors take their responsibility to instruct and mentor your children seriously and believe that no child has the right to disrupt the learning environment of another.

Offenses that will result in immediate expulsion (NO refunds will be given.)

  • Verbal or physical threats to another student or instructor
  • Harassment on or off campus of another student or instructor
  • Any illegal activity at any time on or off campus