English II: World Literature & Composition

English II: World Literature & Composition


Intended for high school sophomores, this course utilizes various selections from world literature as the basis for studying and applying reading, writing, speaking, listening, research, and critical thinking skills. Writing instruction will continue as students learn to fine-tune their papers in order to produce a well-written composition. Various types of essays and multiple in-class timed writings, as well as several creative pieces, are required. Students will also continue to build their knowledge of various literary elements and learn how to apply these elements when analyzing a piece of literature. Vocabulary is taught in conjunction with the reading assignments and via various word lists appropriate for this grade.

Course Textbooks

Main textbook: Adventures in Appreciation; Holt, Rinehart and Winston (ISBN 0-03-098634-6)

Supplemental text: Grammar for Writing, Level Orange. Sadlier-Oxford. 2007 (ISBN: 978-0-8215-0220-4)

Novels: Instructor will provide list upon completion of registration.